Unleashing Unstoppable Voters: A Creative Campaign Toolkit is your all-purpose guide for building and implementing creative civic campaigns. Written by the experts at the Center for Artistic Activism, Unleashing Unstoppable Voters contains our decades’ long experience working with activists across the U.S. and all over the world to make the promises of democracy real for all of us.
Tool Preview
This toolkit has exercises, tools, case studies, and more to help you move forward throughout your campaign process. You can read through it front to back or use it when you and your team need some extra inspiration or if you’re facing challenges during a particular moment in your campaign.
The toolkit breaks down the creative campaign process into five comprehensive and easy-to-follow steps:
- Set Goals & Objectives
- Find Audiences
- Develop Terrific Tactics
- Level Up Your Civic Engagement Actions
- Take Action
Each step has exercises, examples, and practical tips that you can use to improve your civic engagement work today. A checklist keeps you on track and gives you places to look if you need support around specific campaign areas. This sample is taken from Step 2: Find Audiences and features ways to get inspiration from pop culture to connect with the people you’re working to reach.
About the Center for Artistic Activism
At the Center for Artistic Activism, we use creativity to power change. Throughout history, all successful activism has been artistic activism. We’ve done the research and ran many experiments, and we use what we’ve learned to help you be more imaginative, innovative, and impactful. Whether you’re an individual artist, a die-hard activist, the leader of a national movement organization, or someone looking to make the world just a little bit better, we want you to have and use ideas and tools that work. So we write books for you to read, conduct trainings for you to participate in, and build communities for you to join.
We are the Center for Artistic Activism. Let’s see what we can change, together.
Learn more at c4aa.org and about our U.S. voting work at c4aa.org/unstoppablevoters.
Unleashing Unstoppable Voters was written by: Rebecca Bray, Stephen Duncombe, Rachel Gita Karp, and Steve Lambert, with support from Rebecca Crawford Muñoz and Krystal Barrett. Design by Shift7.Studio. Illustrations by Vivian Peng and Steve Lambert. Copy editing by Becky Bullard. Special thanks to Aileen Loy, Jenny Gottstein, Lisa Jo Epstein, Matthew Armstead, and every voting champion we’ve had the pleasure of working with through Unstoppable Voters and across the Center for Artistic Activism’s history.
Nota sobre la traduccion: Traducción de Enrique Góngora. Revisada por Mauricio Delfin. Esta traducción reconoce al español como un idioma que obliga a elegir un género cuando se refiere al sujeto, y que esto representa un reto a la hora de manejar un lenguaje inclusivo. En el caso de esta publicación, hemos tratado de utilizar acepciones neutrales en la medida de lo posible. Sin embargo, hemos empleado variaciones como creador/a, o creador y creadora, libremente a lo largo del texto. En algunos casos hemos favorecido la terminación femenina. Asimismo, ocasionalmente utilizamos la acepción le creadore, reconociendo que su uso en los Estados Unidos va en aumento.