This guide is designed to help you arrive at initial messaging for your campaign. This process is iterative, and takes time. As your campaign organization grows and you move through the election cycle, you will test, evaluate, and refine your message.
That being said, investing in message development early yields high returns — a strong message will help your campaign recruit volunteers, secure donors, and persuade political influencers and validators to throw their support behind you. And as the saying goes… if you don’t tell your story, someone else will.
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A core message frame is the distilled narrative your campaign consistently amplifies via all the communications channels at your disposal. It should be the heartbeat of the story you are telling online, in speeches, in the press, and at voters’ doors. Campaigns are all about building and scaling relationships with voters to build trust, so it’s incredibly important that the organization you are building is aligned around your message and empowered to deliver it on your behalf.